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Study tips for the College Student

Writer: Cristiana AlexisCristiana Alexis


It's that time again, the start of a new school year and semester. This is the perfect time to start developing some great study habits. Below is a list on some great study habits. Try them out, and let me know how they worked for you!

1. Maintain a Planner

It may seem tedious at first, but a planner is a great way for you as a student to keep track of all your assignments, quizzes, exams and due dates. When you write them in, try putting a check box before the assignment, so that way you can keep track of what you completed.

2. Prioritize your assignments.

Instead of reading that 10 page reading and typing an 8 page essay the night before, set up a time to read the assignment, take notes, and to begin to type the rough draft. Then set up another time to write the final. Look at your due dates and do the assignments that are due soon right away. The larger assignments can be broken down into increments and completed along the way.

3. Pick a study location

Find a location that is quiet and away from noise and distraction. This location will be your get away spot for the semester. You should feel at peace, and have the ability to concentrate in that area. Do not invite your friends or other study buddies to this spot. This spot should be yours and yours alone.

4. Communicate with the instructor

This is really important. If you are struggling, ask for clarity from the professor. Remember it is your money that is paying them. It is their job to teach and educate you. Pick their brains, retract information from them that will help you be successful in their class. Ask them how to be successful in their class.

5. Do not procrastinate

The second you start to procrastinate, is the second you will fall down that deep hole of last minute cram sessions, late assignments, headaches, anxiety, and so on.

6. Wash your hands!

You are in an environment where those icky germs are everywhere. I don't know about you but I have definitely seen students go to the bathroom and walk right out the bathroom. Carry hand sanitizers and protect yourself! The second you get sick, the second you fall back in school. Being sick includes missed days, makeup quizzes, distractions and so on. So arm yourselves with hand sanitizers, vitamin C, advil, tylenol, and NyQuil.

7. Set semester goals

Aim to have goals in your study plans, grades, and completion goals. Setting goals will motivate you to complete all that you need to complete. This is pretty much your visual to success.

8. Review all assignments

Just because the assignments are completed, you should review the assignment to make sure you understand the material. Ask the professor questions if you got something incorrect. Remember, this material will end up on your test/.

9. Utilize media and resources.

If you are like me, you may need to watch and use extra resources. Their are countless resources out there. Just talk to your professor, and they will be able to get you those resources, links, and media.

10. Remember why you are there


you are attending college for a reason. Stay focus on that goal. Do not give up when times are getting hard. Do not quit when your grades are not what you want. Step back and reevaluate yourself. The key is to know yourself. Remember why you are doing what you are doing.



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